Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adam's Birthday Cake

We had a little birthday party for Adam the day after his birthday. Sadley there are not very many kids his age on either side of the family. So it was Adam and all the grown ups that celebrated his birthday. But he still had a great time and got a lot of fun stuff for his birthday. Adam had a contruction themed cake this year with trucks and tractors on it. He loved his cake and did a great job blowing out the candles.

Adam's Birthday

For Adams birthday we were staying at the Diquattros since we were in Arizona for Thanksgiving. So after Adam went to bed the night before his birthday we put his jeep right outside the door of where he was sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa Diquattro's house. I wanted it there so it would be the first thing he saw when he woke up. Ryan and I were so excited to see his reaction when he saw it. But that crazy kid....instead of coming in our room which he usually always does when he wakes up he ran down stairs to Grandma and Grandpa's room and woke them up to hurry and show them what was outside his room. He was so excited and was ready to ride. He had to get a few intructions from Dad, but after a few minutes he had it down. We could not get him off it all day. Ryan and I had to run a few errands later that afternoon and while we were out he wouldn't get out jeep to eat, sleep or go to the bathroom. Ryan's mom was watching him and ran inside to grab something. When she came back out he had fallen asleep at the wheel. His foot was still on the gas and he was going in cirlces. We missed a picture because Lori was by herself and didn't want to leave him unattended being that he was asleep at the wheel he could crash into something. So we don't have a picture, but we do have the hilarious story. It was so fun to see Adam that morning and all day on his jeep. I went a little overboard, but it was fun and since his jeep was so big we had to rent a uhaul to get it home to Vegas. But he still loves riding it and takes his little friends for rides.

Adam's Jeep

For Adam's birthday he got a jeep. He was starting to understand the concept of birthdays and birthday presents ever since he went to his friend Abby's birthday party. After her birthday I started to ask him what he wanted. And I have no idea where he got the idea, but he would always tell me, "A yellow jeep." So I started my search a month before. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a yellow jeep, but we did find this green power wheels jeep. When he saw it for the first time I don't think we has too concerned about what color it was.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I know we're over a month behind. But better late than never.

Halloween Party!!! Crazy Dad was a mad scientist or dentist. Mom was a baseball player. Then of course there was Adam as spiderman. The party was great. The kids had so much fun and the grown-ups had just as much. They had fun games. Adam won some cupcakes from the cake walk. He got to go through a haunted house. He was a little scared, but when he saw that it was just his nursery teacher being silly he was okay. Then we went out side and had a trunk-or-treat. That's where people from our ward will go out in the church parking lot and stand by their cars with candy. Then the kids can go from car to car trick-or-treating. Adam got lots of candy and had a blast.

Monday, November 26, 2007

For our thirteen days of Halloween we made stone pumpkins. Adam had fun painting. But by the time we painted them orange he had lost interest.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lieds Children's Museum

We took a trip to the museum one morning. Adam was entertained all morning long. He dressed up as a lion and danced on stage for us. Then they had a miniature grocery store where Adam dressed up as a grocery man and stocked the fruit stands. In another area they had a little contruction zone and Adam was a construction worker with his yellow hard hat and vest. There was a lot to do there. His favorite was the bubble exhibit. We had a lot of fun.

Halloween Fun

One of my friends here in Vegas had a cute idea for the kids..."13 Days of Halloween." The last 13 days before Halloween we have craft activities for the kids to do each day. The first day we made ghosts. The second day halloween magnets. Then today we made button spiders. They all have turned out way cute so far. Adam gets to make egg carton pumpkins, spooooky hands, and lots of other fun little halloween crafts. I'll try to get pictures up of most of the crafts, but for right now I just have the ghosts. So stay tuned for upcoming halloween fun...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Choppin' wood for Great Grandpa Kempton

Adam spent all morning chopping wood for grandpa. He was working so hard. All he had to do was push the lever on the machine and it would split the logs. Grandpa would throw the wood on and Adam would split it. He knew he was outside doing the man's job. While I was taking pictures he turned around and said, "Mom go inside, Adam do this." It was hilarious. He is all boy.

Driven the tractor with Great Grandpa Kempton.

When we could pull him away from chopping wood... his next favorite thing to do was go on tractor rides with Great Grandpa Kempton.