Sunday, October 21, 2007

Lieds Children's Museum

We took a trip to the museum one morning. Adam was entertained all morning long. He dressed up as a lion and danced on stage for us. Then they had a miniature grocery store where Adam dressed up as a grocery man and stocked the fruit stands. In another area they had a little contruction zone and Adam was a construction worker with his yellow hard hat and vest. There was a lot to do there. His favorite was the bubble exhibit. We had a lot of fun.

Halloween Fun

One of my friends here in Vegas had a cute idea for the kids..."13 Days of Halloween." The last 13 days before Halloween we have craft activities for the kids to do each day. The first day we made ghosts. The second day halloween magnets. Then today we made button spiders. They all have turned out way cute so far. Adam gets to make egg carton pumpkins, spooooky hands, and lots of other fun little halloween crafts. I'll try to get pictures up of most of the crafts, but for right now I just have the ghosts. So stay tuned for upcoming halloween fun...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Choppin' wood for Great Grandpa Kempton

Adam spent all morning chopping wood for grandpa. He was working so hard. All he had to do was push the lever on the machine and it would split the logs. Grandpa would throw the wood on and Adam would split it. He knew he was outside doing the man's job. While I was taking pictures he turned around and said, "Mom go inside, Adam do this." It was hilarious. He is all boy.

Driven the tractor with Great Grandpa Kempton.

When we could pull him away from chopping wood... his next favorite thing to do was go on tractor rides with Great Grandpa Kempton.